The Third Concert

The Third Concert

Friday June 23 2006 – Sid Williams Theatre, Courtenay, British Columbia


This was the big one. This was the concert that everyone was anticipating. Courtenay is home to all the band members and most of the crew. The theatre was going to be packed with family, friends, acquaintances, the curious public and, yes, even a few who wanted to be there to see the band fail. Unfortunately for those few, that didn’t happen. The theatre was packed wall to wall with people. During the intermission at the end of the first set the audience was abuzz with talk about the fantastic performance they were seeing and hearing. There was only one full-time professional musician in the band. The rest had day jobs. They were weekend warriors who had only played in local pubs and bars.This venture was nothing like they have ever undertaken before, and they were fabulous. The entity All In All It’s Just was greater than the sum of its’ parts.



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This is the song that started it all, many decades before. See Emily Play. This was another song that was played at every concert and performance, in part because it was the first to make lead guitarist Dan Hawes aware of Pink Floyd in the late 1960s. His family, the whole family, would go to the local dance pavilion on weekend nights. Dan would have been 11 or 12 at the time. One weekend, the band Three To One was playing at The Pav and they performed See Emily Play. Dan was hooked. That song stuck with him over the years. In the mid 2000s when the idea of forming a Pink Floyd tribute band started to germinate in his mind, he was resolved that See Emily Play would be added to the set list and never removed. In the late 2000s Dan actually met John Renton of the Three To One (bottom of the pic) in Courtenay. It was kismet.

See Emily Play


This was the end of the first ‘tour’. The first three concerts were the trial run to see if this venture was going to work or not. The band came away exuberant and ready for more. They took the summer off and set out again in September, going across the Salish Sea farther afield into central British Columbia for the fourth through seventh concerts. Let’s carry on from here.

Thanks for coming out! If you landed on this page first and want to start from the beginning, go to The First Concert and view them one-by-one. May the Floyd be with you!

All In All Its Just